There is absolutely no Get Rich Quick scheme that works. Yes, there are people who find ways. The store always shuts it down. In some cases it gets replicated so much it becomes ineffective

If you figure out a NEW way to Get Rich Quick, then you get 6 to 12 months to profit from it. Then it's gone

If someone else has TRULY figured out a way to make money with minimal time and effort, they are NEVER going to actually sell that to you as long as it works

If they figured out a way to Get Rich Quickly and Easily from selling books, then the only reason they are selling it to you is because it's either become ineffective or because they realize it will soon be ineffective. You're just paying them for something that either doesn't work any more or will stop working before you can make significant money from it

Think of it this way

  1. If there was a Get Rich Quick method that was easy to duplicate, why would the person selling it sell it to you? They could instead hire a few people and duplicate the method and make more and more money. If all it takes is a $1,000 investment and 15 minutes of your time each week to make $100,000 a year using their method, why don't they just hire 20 people and invest $20,000 (out of the supposed $100,000 a year they are making) and starting making $2 Million a Year? Why not scale up more and start making $20 Million a Year?
  2. Why are they instead spurning $20 Million a Year just to make $50/$100/$200 from you? Knowing fully well that if the method is such a marvelous method, you would become their direct competitor in the race to make millions a year using their method?

The reason they are turning away this golden opportunity of making $2 Million a year is that it doesn't exist. They perhaps found a way to make $10,000 in one month, or a way to make $100,000 in a year. They know this method is now ineffective and/or will soon be ineffective. So they are packaging it as a $100 course and selling it to you

The ONLY people getting rich from Get Rich Quick schemes sold to authors are the people selling the courses

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